Lisa enjoys treating all of the aches, pains and injuries of people in our active mountain town and she particularly loves the challenge of helping people with complex, 'hard to figure out' problems.
One on One
(Any combination of Physiotherapy, Medical Therapeutic Yoga, IMS and Acupuncture. Uninterrupted sessions in a private treatment room)
- Regular New Assessment – 40 minutes – $95
(This works well for a fairly straightforward problem, involving one or two body parts)
- Comprehensive/Complex New Assessment – 60 minutes – $125
(This is best if you have a more complicated problem, would like a more holistic assessment and/or would like to have more time for your treatment to get underway)
- 30 Minute Treatment – $79
- 40 Minute Treatment – $99
- 60 Minute Treatment – $125
(Lisa will recommend length of treatments after your initial assessment)
- Plus $10 needle charge for acupuncture or IMS
PhysioYoga Classes
(60 min classes, maximum of 6 participants. Lisa keeps an individual clinical chart for every class you attend.)
- Initial One on One Evaluation– 40 mins – $95
(This allows Lisa to assess you so that she will know how to safely individualise your poses in class. Not required if you are a current client.
- Single Class – $30
Custom Foot Orthotics
Custom Foot Orthotics – $445 plus GST
Payment and Extended Health Insurance
Cash, cheque, debit and credit cards are accepted.
Because Lisa is a registered physiotherapist she will provide you with a receipt for 'physiotherapy' that you can submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. We are also able to bill many insurance companies directly. Please discuss this with the Ascent office administrators when you call to book your appointment.
Almost all extended health benefits plans cover physiotherapy. You may wish to contact your plan advisor to ask for the specific details of your coverage and to check if they require a doctor’s referral to reimburse you. Do check carefully if you are coming in for orthotics. You need to ensure that your company allows your assessment to be done by a physiotherapist.
Karma PhysioYoga
I set aside some ‘free of charge’ time every week for people who would really benefit from my offerings but who simply can’t afford it. Please contact me by email if this would help you or a friend/family member.